Whelehan Crop Protection

We are a leading sales, marketing & distribution company to the agricultural industry in Ireland. The company provides a range of crop protection products to the grassland, cereal, potato, amenity, fruit & vegetable sectors.

Whelehan Crop Protection

Garlon Ultra

For the control of a wide range of deep-rooted PERENNIAL, HERBACEOUS WEEDS and WOODY WEEDS on AMENITY GRASSLAND to include non-crop land such as motorway and railway embankments, roadsides and industrial areas.



For the control of a wide range of deep-rooted PERENNIAL and HERBACEOUS WEEDS on
NON-CROP LAND such as motorway and railway embankments, roadsides, grassland of no agricultural interest, and industrial areas


Stem Master

The Nomix Stem Master delivers targeted application to control invasive weeds, particularly Japanese Knotweed. It delivers an exact dose of herbicide directly into the stem of the plant.

Invasive Species Ireland
Department of Agriculture

For further information on the control of invasive Weed species or to discuss any specific queries
you may have please do not hesitate to contact one of our technical weed control specialists.